1. Personal Data
Name: János Talabér
Email address: talaber.janos@gmail.com
Position: university lecturer, teacher, paramedic
2. Degrees, professional qualifications
Year of graduation, institution, degree title, level, international marking
2015 BME Department of Pedagogy
- qualification: head of public education (university, MA)
2011 University of Debrecen Anglo-American Institute
- qualification: English language and literature teacher (university, MA)
2000 University of Miskolc BTK
- qualification: English language teacher (college, BA)
1998 Pázmány Péter Catholic University HTK
- qualification: Catholic religion teacher (college, BA)
2020. Ministry of Human Resources EMMI IJSZ
- qualification: patient rights representative (diploma-based specialist exam)
2002 Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law KJPI and ANCRA
- qualification: church lawyer (university, JCD, LLMC)
1998 Pázmány Péter Catholic University HTK
- qualification: Catholic religion teacher (college, BA)
2024-2025 Pannon School - OKFŐ (National Headquarter of Hospital Administration)
- qualification: general nurse (advanced professional qualification)
2002 University of California
-qualification: paramedic - AEMT (USA)
(higher qualification, qualification level recognized by the Hungarian State)
1996 János Szentághotai Eü. Secondary school
- professional qualification: EMT-nurse (advanced professional qualification)
1993 Mihály Táncsics High School (Graduation, Secondary School)
2020 National CPR Foundation (USA)
- appointment: registered CPR provider (infant, child and adult)
2016 Office of Education
- appointment: master teacher (qualified)
2014 Office of Education
- appointment: National expert in English
2011 Office of Education
- appointment: chairman of Final Examinations, intermediate and advanced level
2005 Completion of Profex professional language exam (medical English) exam teacher course
- appointment: Language examination teacher (basic, intermediate and advanced levels)
3. Other studies
2022-2023 Selye János University, Komárno
(doctoral course in English linguistics)
2019 University of Hertfordshire, Research
2005-2007 Semmelweis University ETK Paramedic Faculty (intermediate training)
2004-2005 University of Miskolc Faculty of Law (intermediate training)
4. Language knowledge
English language - Proficiency C1-C2
German language - Intermediate level B2
Latin language - Basic level B1
5. Researches
Law and social science:
health law, including competence rights, patient rights, rights of health workers; health ethics and first aid, nursing, sociology, ecclesiastical aspects: annulment of marriage, Catholic education and upbringing.
Academic degree, Promotion: LLMC (JCD) in Church Law, in progress: English Linguistics.
English linguistics: neurolinguistics, American English linguistics, investigation of dysphasic and aphasic verbal dysfunctions in language exams. Experience in translating special articles (legal, medical).
Subjects taught by me so far:
English language and culture, general English language, professional English language - business and tourism
medical / healthcare ethics in English (Semmelweis University)
English language development, vocabulary development (university, KRE-BTK)
English neurolinguistics - applied linguistics (university, KRE-BTK)
English applied grammar (university, KRE-BTK)
legal subjects for healthcare workers (further training ÁEEK)
basic psychology (OKJ), social policy and ethics (OKJ)
basic nursing skills (OKJ), pharmacology (OKJ), anatomy (OKJ), first aid (OKJ, KRE)
6. Jobs
Current jobs:
Montessori Mittelschule (Middle School) Bad Tölz, Germany
+ position: English teacher, first aid instructor
Das Bayrischzell Familotel Oberbayern, Germany
+ position: QM manager
Previous workplaces
university lecturer, assistant professor: Károli Gáspár Református University Department of Social and Health Teaching university lecturer: Károli Gáspár Református University BTK English Department, health law education in professional further training courses: Vocational Training Center Budapest
Public education:
- Zsuzsanna Kossuth Vocational Training School Dabas (1998-1999, 2017-2019)
- Mihály Táncsics High School Dabas (2000-2002, 2007-2017)
Higher education:
- ELTE, HJF, ZSKF Universities Budapest (2003-2007)
- Károli Gáspár University (from 2016)
- Guest lecturer: Mary Baldwin College, Virginia, USA
Ambulance service:
- National Ambulance Service OMSZ (1993-2001, 2005-2007, 2016-2017)
- Maltese Ambulance Service (2001-2005)
- Private ambulance services (from 2014), charity rescue service with own ambulances for eight years, almost 20,000 patients treated.
7. Scholarships
2018-2019. University of Herefordshire, UK (paramedic research Bsc)
March 27-31, 2019 National Merit Conference, St. George Hospital, London.
July 2018 Liverpool - England (family and official trip), research: Liverpool Public Library
August 2016: Southern England Study Tour: London-Oxford-Exeter-St.Yves (one week study trip)
2013 United States of America Partner School Project (New York, Washington, Staunton Virginia: presentation at Mary Baldwin College)
2013 Stuarts Draft Rescue Dept. Virginia USA service (as a guest rescuer)
2012-2014 Comenius project: England, Finland, Poland, Germany
(several trips, visits to schools, presentations at schools)
2007 TELC Language Examiner Training
2003 BME Language Examination Center: English language examiner
2002-2003 ELTE-ITK: English language examiner training
2002 American National College of Religious Arts, USA (church law research scholarship - DL)
2000-2002 University of California USA (Completion of EMT Advanced course - DL)
2001/2002 Universität Passau, Germany (church law studies, research - Erasmus - one semester)
2000 Bonn-Brussels, Germany-Belgium: German Oct. Ministry
1998 Bell Schools, Kecskemét: teacher training
8. Memberships
Hungarian Society of Emergency Medicine
Hungarian Resuscitation Society
Fulbright Association
International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
Canon Law Society of America
MANYE (Association of Hungarian Applied Linguists and Language Teachers)
International Research Institute (Linguistics) Slovakia
HAAS (Hungarian Association for American Studies)
9. Other knowledge
Category B (car), C (truck) and D (bus) driver's license
PÁV-1 exam for driving a vehicle with "blue light".
IT knowledge (Windows, Apple IOS, Office, Internet, etc.
Diploma theses, dissertation:
1) How can Paramedics be Involved Efficiently in Medical Care at Emergency Hospital Units? (HERTS, 2019, Grin, Munich)
2) The appearance and forms of pedagogic work, the image of pedagogue-teacher in the 20th and 21st centuries. in the light of the legal regulations of the 20th century (MA, BME, 2015)
3) The Neurobiological Factors in Second Language Learning and Acquisition (MA, DE-BTK, 2011)
4) Obstacles to Fulfilling the Parental Canonical Duties in the Field of Catholic Education (JCD, ANCRA, USA, 2002).
5) Church law aspects of Catholic education and upbringing and the realization of these rights in Hungary (LLMC, PPKE, 2001)
6) Web Interactive Programs and Digital Techniques in Language Teaching (BA, ME-BTK, 2000)
7) The chance of life - the approach to abortion from the point of view of Catholic moral theology compared to the legislation of different states (BA, PPKE, 1998)